Effective use of Technology in
- the application of theories relating to training in a context
- the use of technological tools including IT tools and services to create an enhanced and effective learning experience.
1. the application of theories
relating to training in a context
2. the use of technological tools
including IT tools and services to create an enhanced and effective
learning experience.
A communicative approach to
language teaching uses realistic life situations based on students’
life and work experiences as a means to foster language learning.
Communicative activities are interactive and clearly relate to
students' experiences, thus motivating learners to communicate in
meaningful ways about subjects of interest.
There is no one tool that addresses the
diversity and uniqueness within classrooms, but technology has proven
to be an effective tool with which to teach and learn languages. The
general use of technology in classrooms when learning languages has
been reportedly beneficial to students. Students reported being more
motivated, improving their self-concept, experiencing more
student-centered learning, as well as being a more active and engaged
In order to complement the
communicative approach to language teaching, technological tools can
be used to bring more realistic language experiences to the blended
learning environment. Since the teacher acts as a facilitator within
this type of blended teaching, it is his/her role to find a variety
of activities that act as a catalyst for authentic communication.
Here are a variety of technological tools that can be used in a
blended language class:
- wikis
- Skype
- Podcasts
- Vodcasts
- Powerpoint
- Social networking
- 3D Virtual learning environments
- Educational Blogging
Acquiring or learning?
Acquisition is an unconscious process that involves the
naturalistic development of language proficiency while learning is
the conscious internalization of the rules of language. It results in
explicit knowledge about the forms of language and the ability to
verbalize this knowledge. Experts opine that learning cannot lead to
Technology-supported learning may seem
as an isolated activity, but in order to be used to the best benefit of the students, it should
be turned into a collaborative task. In fact, learning is effective when it is a social activity.
Collaborative learning is group-based learning where learners join their efforts, initiative and work
in educational endeavors. In order to turn learning into a social activity, it cannot be based on drills
and meaningless, automatic exercises. Social learning involves project-based learning where
technological devices serve as tools that support learning. Learners cooperate in order to
recognize, analyze, and solve problems. Learning is enhanced when information is presented in the
social and meaningful context, which allows to assimilate new information into the already existing
schemata hence increasing students’ performance in the language. Having a goal to
achieve, students make use of their knowledge and resources available; they develop skills and gain
more knowledge while developing and nurturing relationships with other classmates.
Challenges/major concerns
A learning environment with technology and multimedia fosters a
student-centred approach to education, providing students with themes
that are authentic and have a real-life applicability. However, using
technological tools does present certain challenges.
- Not all students have ready access to technological equipment and tools once out of class
- Some students find it difficult to acquire computer skills, making it frustrating for them to complete activities using technological tools
- Sometimes students have insufficient linguistic ability to correspond appropriately, for example, within blogs.
- Limited access to the internet in our classrooms/labs
- These activities are not always well integrated into the
- Language learning classroom becoming a screen-centered
classroom rather than student-centered.
- Incorporating technology reduced to a Powerpoint presentation
guiding the class.
The classroom can be seen as a creative
lab to experiment with movement and technology together.
Technologies, activities, and tools to help foster the classroom as a
meaningful context to learn a language creatively.
Technology and movement can enhance all the competences in
language, if the activities are designed appropriately. By using the
body to both move and express nonverbal communication—along with
the effective speech, listening, reading and writing—students can
communicate meaningfully in the classroom and in the world.
So, keeping all these in mind, we must continue to explore new tools and strategies for empowering students to fully participate in a connected, technology-rich society.
Excellent article!